Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Round Top Madness

Vivian Avenue has hit the road not once, but TWICE in the past month in search of fabulous treasures to bring to North Texas.  My second trip was completely unexpected and last minute.  I hadn't even expected to shop, but ... what was I thinking?!

First question I've heard when discussing my adventures is, "What is Round Top?"  Well ... it's the biggest, most overwhelming flea market in the history of flea markets.  "Round Top" consists of sales in three small Texas towns stretching along a small country highway.  Twice a year, the towns of Marburger, Warrenton, and Round Top are filled with vendors.  The tiny town of Round Top, population 88, reaches numbers in the hundreds of thousands during the months of the sale.  Places to stay and eat are limited at best so a certain amount of preparation in is order when attending this event.

I have to admit, I never made it out of Warrenton.  There, I met and hustled ... uh, I mean bargained with a few choice vendors.  It was heaven on earth to this girl!  Here is a sampling of some of the finds:
 These are giant prints from a Menswear Catalog published in 1910.  I could NOT pass them by!!

This was the pile I found.  There was enough rust to make my mouth water.  I spied awesome stuff.  Do you?!

 I've also discovered my new love to collect -
Those goggles were tres chic!

Here is my final haul from that pile.
I just fell in love with the mailbox! 
Wouldn't it be cute to collect monthly bills in? 
At least it would make a mundane task look good!!

I can not wait until the Fall.  I will DEFINITELY be going back to Round Top.  Maybe this time as a vendor?  At least I'd have a trailer to haul back fabulous finds! ;)

If you see anything you can't live without or know of some item you'd like me to be on the hunt for, give me a shout!  After all, this hunt is no fun if I can't get great items into cool homes like yours!

                                            xoxoxoxo Glenda

Monday, April 9, 2012

We Went to Jackson & Messed Around

I’m a nomad at heart.  At the young age of 17, my father allowed me to hit the road (going 650 miles) to visit my Grandparents just outside of Nashville.  One road trip and I was hooked.  I’ve spent the past twenty years taking at least one big trip per year.  Usually, I have a destination in mind and don’t stop for anything more than gas and a potty break.  In the past couple of years, I’ve felt a pull of something different.  I’ve longed to stop and smell the roses – visit the “natives” along the path.  Take a look at what each small destination has to offer.

Last year I chose to stop in Jefferson, Texas on my way to Mississippi.  As I rolled into the sleepy town, I was distracted by a yummy yard full of iron furniture and such.  I pulled into the yard, parked the car, and nearly jumped out.  I began poking around the “store”, peering in windows, and investigating all the treasures on the porch and in the yard. One patio set gathered my attention in particular.  I’m a sucker for a patio set by the way.  Anyhow, there was a lovely, rectangular, decorative iron set with mesh seats.  Up on the porch not far from it were two gorgeous chaise lounges.  I was driving my Acura SUV that has good cargo space, but a load like this was way too big for my little Acura to handle.  Reluctantly, I left the shop – assuring the sweet lady who owned it that I’d be back.  I haven’t been and I’ve regretted it ever since.  Lesson learned.  When you find a good buy - buy it!
I wasn’t yet in Jefferson proper.  I continued down the road, turning onto the small main drag.  Jefferson struck me as a clean, tidy town which held many treasures.  Once again, I parked my car and began to meander down the street.  To my right, windows full of knick knacks and this and that caught my eye.  The little store didn’t look like much, but I thought I may as well take a peek.  Oh my goodness.  I walked in to the most amazing sight I’ve ever seen!  To my left were nonsense Grandma collectables.  Those glass candy ashtrays and doilies which flow forth from “antique” stores ad nauseum.  To my right, however, was a sight to see.  I was AMAZED!!  There were rows of guitars and other string instruments.  In the middle of the store was a glass box, which was a type of make-shift recording studio.  An elderly man played hymn after hymn.  I absolutely soaked it in.  What a quirky atmosphere.  What a treat!!  His wife (doily lover) explained to me how he found, repaired, or built every instrument in the store.  I will never forget the feeling of being surrounded by a person’s passion.  If you ever want a guitar or quitar, go to Jefferson, Texas to visit this precious couple who lives through their passions.
After experiencing this store (read spending WAY too much time there), I grabbed a Bar-b-que sandwich at a local joint (it was delish) and headed out of town.
I was so energized by my stop in Jefferson.  So in love with the treasures I found.  My appetite was whetted.  My lust for experiencing something different lit aflame.  Like so many other lusts, this one is dreamed of and sought after, but rarely satisfied.  This week I’m in Round Top, Texas.  Stay tuned next week to find out how it went!!  Here’s a teaser:  Junk & Bluebonnets.  I can tell you this Texas Girl is in heaven!