Monday, May 2, 2011

All Work and No Play Make Vivian Avenue Up and Running!

My love, my first love, is writing! When I'm not doing that or thinking about that or thinking about doing that, I love to keep my mind busy with what's beautiful - mostly as it pertains to homes and gardens.

Good news? I've had lots of time to think about homes! Clients are coming out of the woodwork and keeping me very busy! Love that!!

Bad news? Not much time for writing. However, I'm thinking about writing - especially as it pertains to design.

Keep posted! Don't give up on me!! I have some great ideas coming through this thick skull of mine!

Hang tight & until I have some of my own yummyness to post here, partake of one of my all-time favorites and his new collection for the home. I'm giving homage to this collection in honor of my sister, Sandy, whose style so fits this entire collection!

In case anyone wants to send me a gift ... I am dying for this book!


  1. So love what's on the home page of RL right now!

    Hey, I think I may have actually found something cool on my very own!


    Just not loving the colors.
